Learning Ruby and Rails

Good morning!

Outline of the Day

What We’ll Cover

What Is Programming?

What Is a Programming Language?

Why Ruby?

Starting Ruby

Open a terminal window. Type “irb” and hit enter.

Try entering a few things:

4 + 3 
[1, 2, 3, "happy"].each { |i| puts i }

>> is your prompt to enter text and => will appear at the start of each response.

Use the up and down arrow keys to navigate back and forth through the previous commands you’ve entered.

Basic Ruby Data

Numbers 1, 2, 3
Strings "chicken"
Booleans true, false
Symbols :chicken
Arrays [1, 7, "cake"]
Hashes {:chicken => "chicken", :sillyexample => :chicken}

Type these at the command line! What happens?

That’s the data, where are the computations?

Basic Ruby Computations

2 + 2
3 * 3
2 + 2 == 4
2 + 2 == 5
[1 , 2, 3].include?(2)

Basic Ruby Computations

2 + 2 4
3 * 3
2 + 2 == 4
2 + 2 == 5
[1 , 2, 3].include?(2)

Basic Ruby Computations

2 + 2 4
3 * 3 9
2 + 2 == 4
2 + 2 == 5
[1 , 2, 3].include?(2)

Basic Ruby Computations

2 + 2 4
3 * 3 9
"chicken".reverse "nekcihc"
2 + 2 == 4
2 + 2 == 5
[1 , 2, 3].include?(2)

Basic Ruby Computations

2 + 2 4
3 * 3 9
"chicken".reverse "nekcihc"
"chicken".length 7
2 + 2 == 4
2 + 2 == 5
[1 , 2, 3].include?(2)

Basic Ruby Computations

2 + 2 4
3 * 3 9
"chicken".reverse "nekcihc"
"chicken".length 7
2 + 2 == 4 true
2 + 2 == 5
[1, 2, 3].include?(2)

Basic Ruby Computations

2 + 2 4
3 * 3 9
"chicken".reverse "nekcihc"
"chicken".length 7
2 + 2 == 4 true
2 + 2 == 5 false
[1, 2, 3].include?(2)

Basic Ruby Computations

2 + 2 4
3 * 3 9
"chicken".reverse "nekcihc"
"chicken".length 7
2 + 2 == 4 true
2 + 2 == 5 false
[1, 2, 3].include?(2) true

What do you think "chicken".reverse.length does? What about "puppy".include?('p')?

That’s Nice But…

var1 = 4
var2 = "chicken"
var2 = var1

Interlude: String Interpolation

Something you might want to do is print out a string that has a value contained within it.

For example, try typing

"Our array is #{[1,2,3]}"

Most useful when dealing with variables!

var = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
"Our array is #{var}"

Now back to variables!


Try typing the following, noting what happens at each step

thing = "chicken"
thing = thing.reverse



awesomelist = [5,2,1,8]

How did that happen? Actions that end with a ! change the data! This is a Ruby convention, but a good one to follow.


Let’s consider a book rating system:

Fill in a hash with some books, e.g.

books = { "Left Hand of Darkness"        => 5,
          "The Word for World Is Forest" => 5,
          "Nevermind the Pollacks"       => 0,
          "Only Revolutions"             => :not_rated }


We can retrieve the rating for a particular book like so

books["Left Hand of Darkness"]

We can also set values like so

books["Only Revolutions"] = 3

How can we add a rating for a new book? Any guesses?


We can retrieve the rating for a particular book like so

books["Left Hand of Darkness"]

We can also set values like so

books["Only Revolutions"] = 3

How can we add a rating for a new book? Any guesses?

We set the value of the book just like before!

books["White Teeth"] = 4

Now type books to see the whole hash.

Let’s Try Something


What happens?

Let’s Try Something


What happens?

Ruby just reported NoMethodError: undefined method `reverse' for 40:Fixnum

That means that reverse is not something you can do to the number 40.


Most computations in Ruby are performed by methods. Type 40.methods to see which methods are available for basic numbers.

Notice +, -, et al. in the list?

What about "chicken".methods ?


An object is data along with the methods, computations, that can operate on it.

Everything in Ruby is an object: numbers, strings, hashes, etc.

How do you know what kind of object something is? Ask!


What is a class?


Classes & Methods

Let’s learn the syntax by example:

class Counter

What can we do with Counter?

c = Counter.new

Classes & Methods

Let’s learn the syntax by example:

class Counter
attr_accessor :value


Now try

c = Counter.new
c.value = 10

What happened? What does attr_accessor :value do?

Classes & Methods

Let’s learn the syntax by example:

class Counter
  attr_accessor :value

  def initialize
    @value = 0


Now, again, try

c = Counter.new

initialize gives new instructions on how to create an object

Classes & Methods

Let’s learn the syntax by example:

class Counter
  attr_accessor :value

  def initialize
    @value = 0

  def increment
    @value = @value + 1



Let’s use our Counter class:

count = Counter.new

Try count.respond_to?("increment"). What did you see?

Class Exercise

Let’s add a Counter.increment_by method that takes an argument for how much to increment.

Don’t need to start all over – we open the class instead

class Counter

def increment_by(n)
  # fill in here


Test your code as follows:

c = Counter.new


You can add methods to existing classes as well:

class String
  def chicken?
    self == "chicken"

self is a way of referring to the object that the method is being called on.

In "puppy".chicken?, self is "puppy".

Classes Exercise

Add a method to String that will test to see if a string is a palindrome.

A palindrome is any string that is the same read forwards or backwards.

To get you started type the following at the command line:

class String
  def palindrome?

and finish the rest! Test it on "abba".palindrome? and "puppy".palindrome?

Learn more about common Ruby classes


Good places to start: Array, Enumerable, Fixnum, Float, Hash, NilClass, String, Time


Some methods take blocks.

list.each {|p| code} runs code on every element of list

list = [1,2,3,4]
list.each { |n| puts (n + 1) }


A more complicated example of using each:

reviews = Hash.new(0)
books.values.each { |rate| reviews[rate] = reviews[rate] + 1 }

reviews is a count of how many reviews you gave with a particular rating



There’s another way to write blocks. This is commonly used for multi-line expressions.

reviews = Hash.new(0)
books.values.each do |rate|
  reviews[rate] = reviews[rate] + 1
  # more code can go here...

Control Structures

Ruby provides control structures for writing more complicated code.

If statements are a switch on whether the argument is true or false.

if true
if false

Control Structures

Case statements evaluate a statement and execute the code in the corresponding branch:

case favorite_color
when "green"
  puts "Grass is green"
when "blue"
  puts "Skies are blue"
when "red"
  puts "Tomatoes are red"
  puts "Are you sure that's a color?"

Control Structures

For-in statements allow iteration over a structure such as a list

list = [1,2,3,4,5]
sum = 0
for n in list
  sum = sum + n


Ruby Koans

Intro To Rails

An Example Rails App

To get started:

  1. Go to the microrant directory
  2. Type bundle install
  3. Then type rails server
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 in your web browser


Behind the Scenes: the database

At The Console

At The Console

How can we look up a rant after it’s been created?

r = Rant.find(1)

What about modifying a rant?

r.message = "RANTING!"

We need to save the changes when we’re done editing.

Where’s My Stuff

Rails models have built-in finder methods that help you retrieve records from the database.


At the Console

Let’s try creating a new Rant, for user_id 1

user = User.find(1)
rant = user.rants.build
rant.message = "WHAT IS TH"

Note that we didn’t need to set the id field of the message! That was automatically set by new.

We save the record when we’re done, in order to create it, just like when we were editing a rant before.

At The Console

Creating a rant that way was verbose. Is there a better way?

User.find(1).rants.create(:message => "E POINT!?")

Notice that you don’t need to save when you use create—it combines new and save into a single action.

Looking at models

Open up the user.rb and rant.rb model files.

class Rant < ActiveRecord::Base

  belongs_to :user

  validates_presence_of :user, :message
  validates_length_of :message, :maximum => 10


class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_many :rants
  validates_presence_of :name



Some people are writing in lowercase! This won’t do!

Let’s write a method that can convert all lowercase rants to uppercase. First, go find the rant.rb file in your Rails models directory.

class Rant < ActiveRecord::Base
before_save :convert_message_to_uppercase
def convert_message_to_uppercase

Rails provides many extensions to Ruby classes to make common tasks easier. Look in http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/Multibyte/Chars.html to find the helper you need for this exercise.

Once you’ve added the code, try creating a lowercase rant and see what happens.


Sometimes you want to work with your data in a different format. Go back to the Rails console and write a program that creates a hash that contains rant messages paired with user names.

How do you create a new Hash again?

The result should look like:

=> {"RANTING!"=>"caylee", "WTF"=>"audrey"}

Can you use an iterator to print this out as a series of formatted strings?


The before_save code we wrote earlier uses a callback. Rails defines several callbacks that allow you to change the input to a model before or after actions like save, create, update, and delete.

before_save :geocode_address
after_create :notify_admins
before_validate :check_over_some_other_details

Quality Control

Validations provide an easy wrapper for checking that a particular attribute is present, in the right format, or other requirements before the application will save the data. The microblog application already contains some of these. Look at the Rant and User models to see the ones we’ve included.

Can you think of other validations you’d like to add? Try changing the length of a valid Rant message.

Displaying the data

Rails will automatically create views with content when you use the scaffold command. Go to /app/views and have a look around.

These files are making use of a templating system called ERB that converts Ruby statements in the view into static HTML to display. A typical ERB statement might look like:

Documentation on ERB syntax: http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/erb/rdoc/classes/ERB.html


The scaffolding system is quick to use, but not always pretty. Our list of rants lists the user_id for the person who said it, and not their name. Let’s change that.

Go to /app/views/rants/ and open the index.html file. By default, the scaffolder makes the index view show a list of all records of the related model’s type. Find the line that displays the user id and change it to show the user’s name instead.


On the users index page, let’s add a column to the table to show how many rants each person has written. ActiveRecord makes this easy by providing a method called count that you can add to a collection of records to get the database count instead of the full records. For example, User.count or Rants.count.

These also work through has_many associations, so given a particular user record, you could try user.kittens.count or user.books.count (if those associations existed) or …


How does Rails know what page to go to when you visit http://localhost:3000/rants/new ?

Open /config/routes.rb to see how this works.

What about the C in MVC?

Now that we’ve seen and edited models and views, let’s take a quick look at the controller files in our project.

What does a controller do?

Making Your Own

bundle install
rails generate scaffold User name:string
rails generate scaffold Rant user_id:integer message:string
rake db:migrate

At this point you can start the server and take a look around.



Next Steps

Stepping outside